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ACSRPC Video Library

The American Consortium for Small Ruminant Consortium (ACSRPC) maintains a library of recommended videos pertaining to internal parasite control in small ruminants.

Periparturient egg rise, fecal egg counting primer, barber pole worm, grazing away parasites, coccidiosis, deworming right, when deworming is not enough, selecting for worm resistance, BioWorma®

FAMACHA© scoring, how and why to do FAMACHA© scoring,
how and why to do fecal egg counting, microscope crash course

FAMACHA© in a nuthshell, FAMACHA© scoring Out West, collecting a
fecal sample, administering COWP, know thy enemy, taking a blood sample

Best management practices, body condition scoring, determining effectiveness of dewormers, COWP, BioWorma®, genetic selection for parasite resistance, packed cell volume

New approach to parasite management, selection for parasite resistance, jugular bleeding technique

History of FAMACHA©, fight the (liver) fluke, war of the worms
body condition scoring of goats, sericea lespedeza, antiparasitic resistance, refugia

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