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Web Site Reaches Global Audience

The American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control (ACSRPC) was organized in 2003 in response to the widespread emergence of anthelmintic-resistant worms. A web site ( was established in 2004 to provide up-to-date information to stakeholders. The web site ( was upgraded in 2012 and is now hosted by the University of Maryland.

According to Google Analytics, the web site received 134,109 page views (110,254 unique) during the past year (May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019); +7.76% compared to the previous 12 months. There were 44,993 users; +11.3%. While the majority of users were from the US (82.22%), the web site was accessed by 159 countries during the past year.

Almost half (49.1%) used a mobile device to access the web site; 44.1% from a desktop. Search engines were responsible for over half of the web site traffic (51.3%), with direct traffic (22.8%), social media (18.2%), and referrals (7.7%) accounting for the balance.

Source: ACSRPC web site provides information to a growing global audience. Joint COMBAR-ACSRPC meeting, Ghent, Belgium, Aug. 27-29, 2019.


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