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A Vaccine for Barber Pole Worm

Barbervax® was developed by the Moredun Research Institute, a UK-based animal health charity owned by farmers, with support from several Australian entities. It advertises itself as the first vaccine in the world for a gut dwelling parasite of livestock.

Barbervax® is available in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. It is available via subscription in the UK. The Canadian and US sheep industries plan to work together in hopes of getting Barbervax® approved for sheep in Canada and the US. The US goat industry has a similar interest.

Barbervax® controls barber pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) disease by reducing fecal egg counts and thus, build-up of infections. It requires three "priming" injections before immunity is conferred in animals not previously vaccinated. For sheep already primed the previous year, effectiveness occurs 10 days after the first injection. Injections should be given before the start of the high risk barbers pole season and must be given every 6 weeks after immunity is conferred.

Barbervax® works when dewormers fail. The history of other vaccines indicates that worms are unlikely to develop resistance to Barbervax®. However, Barbervax® only works if directions are followed. Read WormBoss article Read about Barbervax® in goats

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