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Mohan Acharya, Ph.D.

State Extension Specialist - Small Ruminant

(573) 681-5566 



College of Agriculture, Environmental, and Human Sciences

Cooperative Extension and Research

Lincoln University of Missouri

Jefferson City, Missouri

I started as a State Extension Specialist in small ruminants at Lincoln University of Missouri since May 2022. Most of my prior works were related with organic method for parasite control in small ruminants. Regarding my education background, I completed MSc (Animal Science) and PhD (Animal Science) from University of Arkansas, Department of Animal Science in collaboration with USDA Agricultural Research Services, Booneville, Arkansas. My primary focus is on sustainable parasite control in small ruminants such as use of copper oxide wire particles, smart use of chemical dewormers, genetic selection of parasite resistant sheep/goat, management practices to minimize need of anthelmintic treatment, pasture management, minimization of anthelmintic resistance and use of tannin-rich forages (for example Sericea lespedeza). I was also involved partly in other areas in small ruminants such nutrition and reproduction.



Best Management Practices: Genomic-enhanced EBVs [February 2024]

Best Management Practices: Organic control of parasites [April 2024]


Last updated 06.10.22




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