Seyedmehdi Mobini, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACT
Retired Professor of Veterinary Science
American Veterinary Medical Association Board of Directors
Department of Veterinary Science
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, Georgia 31030
Dr. Mobini has over 45 years of experience as a veterinarian and educator. His expertise is in the area of sheep and goat disease prevention, surveillance, treatment, herd health management, and reproductive management. He is a retired Professor of Veterinary Science at Fort Valley State University, a unit of The University System of Georgia. He has been involved in the development of sheep and goat industry in Georgia and the Southeast, serving as the State of Georgia Small Ruminant Extension Veterinarian. He works with many farms in management, disease surveillance, investigation, prevention and control, identification, parasite control and mastitis. He is very efficient in sheep and goat estrus synchronization, AI, and embryo transfer. He also works with the Georgia State Veterinarian and USDA/APHIS/VS Area Veterinarian in Charge as a Small Ruminant Disease Specialist. Dr. Mobini has published numerous scientific and extension publications on sheep and goat herd health management and reproduction. He is the editor of “Smart Drenching and FAMACHA© Integrated Training for Sustainable control of GI Nematodes in Small Ruminants”. He has been exposed to veterinary practice in Iran, Ireland, Jordan, Afghanistan and the United States of America. Dr. Mobini currently serves on the Board of Directors of the American Veterinary Medical Association as the district IV Director.

Conference proceedings
Facts and Fictions About Tapeworm in Sheep - W4: What Works With Worms Congress, Pretoria, South Africa [May 2015]
Timely Topics
Coccidiosis in lambs and kids. [May 2015]
Late updated 01.21.23