Management aspects of parasite control
Deworming isn't the only way to control internal parasites in small ruminants. In fact, having to deworm a lot of animals may be an indication that current management is inadequate and that changes are necessary. There are many management practices which will help to minimize the number of animals that require deworming.
Changing dogma: changes to parasite management in the 2000's to keep your dewormers working. Dr. Joan Burke and Dr. Jim Morgan [Timely Topics, March 2015].
Controlling Haemonchus contortus in large, extensively managed flocks Jake Thorne, Texas A&M AgriLife.
[Timely Topics, June 2024] -
Controlling worms in dairy goats: a challenge; by Steve Hart, Extension Goat Specialist, Langston University [Timely Topic, updated Nov 2024].
How to grow worms (or not); Steve Hart, Langston University. [Timely Topic, updated Nov 2024]
Late summer parasite management strategies in goats; Ken Andries, Kentucky State University and Dan Quadros, University of Arkansas [Timely Topic, Updated Aug 2024].
Management of the barber pole worm in sheep and goats in the Southern US; J.M. Burke; USDA, ARS, Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center, Booneville, AR [August 2006].
Managing Barber’s Pole Worm and other Gastrointestinal Parasites in a Solar Grazing System [Weaver, Thorne]. A. Weaver and J. Thorne [Timely Topic, August 2024]
Relatively low-cost, easy fixes to decrease gastrointestinal loads on the farm; Jean-Marie Luginbuhl, North Carolina State University and Dan Quadros, University of Arkansas [Timely Topic, Updated Aug 2024].
The periparturient Egg rise. Susan Schoenian, University of Maryland [Timely Topic, updated May 2024]
- Tips for preventing internal parasites; Margo Hale & Linda Coffee, NCAT-ATTRA [Timely Topic, April 2015]
Understanding the Risk Factors for Infection is Essential in Developing a Sustainable Parasite Management Plan; Richard Ehrhardt, Michigan State University [Timely Topic, Reviewed Sept 2024].
When deworming isn't enough; Niki Whitley, Fort Valley State University [Timely Topic, July 2017].
Working with a veterinarian; Linda Coffey, NCAT-ATTRA [Timely Topic, November 2015].
Conference proceedings
A New Paradigm for the Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in the Tropics. J.F.L. Torres-Acosta et al. 10th Anniversary Conference of the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control [May 2013].
External links
Body condition scoring of sheep. Oregon State University [1994]
Handbook for the control of internal parasites of sheep; University of Guelph, Canada [2010].
Internal parasite (worm) control; Sheep 201: A Beginner's Guide to Raising Sheep; by Susan Schoenian; University of Maryland Extension [2012].
Northeast Small Ruminant Parasite Control Program. University of Rhode Island.
Sustainable Parasite Control for Sheep and Goats. Leyla Ríos de Álvarez. Mississippi State University [2021] | PDF
Sustainable worm control strategies for sheep 4th edition: a technical manual for veterinary surgeons and advisors; K.A. Abbott, A. Taylor, L.A. Stubbings (SCOPS). [2013].
WormBoss: Australia's premier source of worm management information
Nutritional Effects on Parasites. Best Management Practices. Steve Hart, Langston University [April 2024].
--En Español-- -
Managing internal parasites in sheep and goats; Margo Hale; National Center for Appropriate Technology/The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA) [2006, updated April 2015].
The periparturient egg rise. Best Management Series. Joan Burke, USDA-ARS [Nov 2024]
Steps to effective and sustainable internal parasite management; Will Getz and Susan Schoenian; Let's Grow With Two Plus, American Sheep Industry Association [2011].
Sustainable control of internal parasites in small ruminant production; Margo Hale and Linda Coffey; and Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control [April 2011].
Tips for managing parasites. Linda Coffey; NCAT-ATTRA [April 2015].
Tips for preventing parasites. Linda Coffey; NCAT-ATTRA [April 2015].
​Tips for working with a veterinarian; Linda Coffey. NCAT-ATTRA [April 2015].
Parasite Management (with Scott Bowdridge). ASI Research Update. American Sheep Industry Association
[September 2022]. -
Small Ruminant Parasite Management (with Susan Schoenian). Livestock Wala'au, University of Hawaii. [August 2022]
Worms during kidding season (with Susan Schoenian). For the Love of Goats [March 2021]
A comparison of two integrated approaches of controlling nematode parasites in small ruminants; J. Miller, J. Burke, T. Terrill, and M. Kearney; Veterinary Parasitology [June 2011].
Effects of alternative weaning strategies on lamb health and performance; B.J. Campbell, A.N. Pullin, MD Pairis-Garcia, J.S. McCutcheon, G.D. Lowe, M.R. Campler, and F.L. Fluharty. Small Ruminant Journal [September 2017].
Experiences with integrated concepts for the control of Haemonchus contortus in sheep and goats in the United States; T. Terrill, J. Miller, J. Burke, and J. Mosjidis; Veterinary Parasitology [March 2012].
Influence of season of lambing on gastrointestinal nematode infection of lambs; J. Burke and J. Miller. Southern Section of the American Society of Animal Science [February 2011].
Body condition scoring of sheep. Reid Redden. Texas A&M AgriLife [2018]
Body condition scoring of goats. Langston University [2008].
Don't let the barber pole worm ravage your flock - NCAT-ATTRA. [2019]
Managing Internal Parasites: Part 1. Know the Enemy. NCAT-ATTRA/Food Animal Concerns Trust [2019]
Managing Internal Parasites: Part 2. Outsmart the Enemy. NCAT-ATTRA/Food Animal Concerns Trust [2019]
Managing Internal Parasites: Part 3. Attack the Enemy. NCAT-ATTRA/Food Animal Concerns Trust [2019]
Last updated 12.01.24. Links verified 12.01.24