Certified FAMACHA© Instructors
The FAMACHA© eye anemia system was developed by South African scientists and veterinarians. In order to teach FAMACHA© to farmers, students, and others (and purchase more than one FAMACHA© card), you must be a certified FAMACHA© instructor. The American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control has developed a process for becoming a certified FAMACHA© instructor. It includes an application and exam. The application will be reviewed by a panel of consortium members to determine qualifications for teaching FAMACHA© and other best management practices for controlling internal parasites in small ruminants. A passing grade on the exam is 80 percent. The exam reflects the information that should be taught in workshops and is comprehensive. While you may take the exam more than once, all scores are submitted. Once approved you will receive a certificate of. Certification lasts for two years, after which time, certified instructors will need to pass an updated exam. Instructors will be contacted via email when their certification is due to expire. New certificates will be issued after recertification. Questions about the instructor program should be directed to acsrpcinfo@gmail.com.
Currently, there are 128 people certified as FAMACHA© instructors from thirty-two US states, three Canadian provinces, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. Certified instructors include veterinarians, animal scientists, extension agents, and farmers (producers).
To find an instructor near you, click on the name of the state or country.
Indiana (8)
Kansas (2)
Kentucky (2)
Louisiana (1)
Maine (2)
Maryland (2)
Michigan (5)
Missouri (1)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York (13)
North Carolina (15)
North Dakota
Ohio (3)
Oklahoma (3)
Oregon (3)
Pennsylvania (2)
Rhode Island (2)
South Carolina (1)
South Dakota (1)
Tennessee (3)
Texas (5)
Vermont (2)
Virginia (8)
Wisconsin (1)
List last updated 01.01.25.