Dr. Dan Quadros
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
Animal Science Department
2301 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Dr. Dan Quadros is an Assistant Professor, Small Ruminant Specialist in the Department of Animal Science at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. Originally from Brazil, he received his BS in agronomy, Master's and PhD degrees in animal science from Sao Paulo State University. Additionally, he received another master’s degree in sustainability from Pennsylvania State University. He spent almost six years as a research scholar and post-doctoral research associate at the University of Florida and Texas A&M AgriLife Research, respectively. He is a former Professor at Bahia State University, where he founded the Animal Science Research and Extension Center, was the Dean of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine Colleges, and worked in several livestock research and large-scale extension programs, such as Provicapri – Sheep and Goat Production Program, involving millions of animals, thousands of small producers and hundreds of extension agents. He was visiting professor at Universität Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, studying sustainability. Over the years, his research explored many facets of livestock production, including the interaction between sward structure and gastrointestinal parasites, novel feeds, and plant secondary metabolites in livestock production systems. His multiagency outreach projects were marked by innovation and leadership. In his new role, he aims to establish a research and technology transfer network to unify teaching-research-extension to improve sheep and goats value chains.
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Best Management Practices: Pasture Management [January 2024]
Timely Topics
All About Condensed Tannins [Dec 2024]
Last updated 01.25.24.