​Best Management Practices to Control Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants Factsheet Series
The Best Management Practices to Control Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants Factsheet series was designed to help sheep, goat, and camelid producers manage gastro-intestinal parasitism in their flocks and herds. The fact sheets were also developed as an educational resource for people teaching FAMACHA© workshops and/or similar educational programs. Each factsheet was written by a member of the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control and reviewed by 3 to 4 other consortium members (or experts), including a veterinarian parasitologist. In 2022, the consortium began translating some of the factsheets into Spanish. In 2023, the consortium began reviewing fact sheets that were written more than 5 years ago. This process will continue to ensure all fact sheets contain the most accurate and up-to-date information and recommendations.
Factsheets (PDF)
Copper Oxide Wire Particles (Linda Coffey and tatiana Stantno; Dec 2024) | In Spanish (Dec 2022)
Management of Coccidia (Kwame Matthews, Mar 2019) | In Spanish (Dec 2022)
Nutritional effects on parasites (Steve Hart; Apr 2024) | In Spanish (Dec 2022)
On-Farm Selection for Resistance to Parasites (Jim Morgan; Jan 2021) | in Spanish (Dec 2022)
Pasture Management (Heather Glennon and Dan Quadros; Jan 2024)
Proper use of dewormers (Lisa Williamson and Michael Pesato, June 2024)
Sericea lespedeza (Thomas Terrill & Niki Whitley; Dec 2023) | In Spanish (Dec 2022)
Targeted selective treatment (Susan Schoenian; Oct 2024) | In Spanish (Jan 2023)
Understanding the Biology (Anne Zajac and Roger Ramirez Barrios; Feb 2024)
Worm Killing Fungus (Jim Miller and Joan Burke; Nov 2024)​​​​​​​​​
Page last updated 12.05.24.​​