Dr. Amira Abdu Ahmed
Department of Pathobiological Sciences
Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Skip Bertman Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Dr. Ahmed is a board-certified veterinary parasitologist with more than 15 years of experience. She earned her DVM (2007) and MVSc (2011) from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University (Egypt). She received her PhD (2016) through a joint supervision program between Purdue (IN, USA) and Assiut Universities. Amira worked as a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Parasitology, Assiut University. After completing her PhD, she was appointed assistant professor in the same department. She taught veterinary, medical, and PharmD students various parasitology courses. Additionally, she has conducted postdoctoral research at Purdue (LaCount Lab) and Cornell (Bowman Lab). She went on to work as a Molecular Parasitologist at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center (AHDC) at Cornell University, where she developed molecular diagnostic tools for various parasitic diseases. She is currently an instructor in the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at Louisiana State University and leads the parasitology lab at the Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (LADDL).
Last updated 07.12.23